Timing metering socket program development

Introduction to the program parameters:
Timing metering sockets, also known as timer sockets, timer switch sockets, metering sockets, socket-type meters, and meter sockets, are based on a single-chip microprocessor chip and a dedicated energy metering chip, LCD display, equipped with high-precision electronic circuits It is a socket with electric energy metering, display and automatic control of power switch.
1. Timing switch, can set 10 groups of switching periods, and can set the number of days per week to be executed;
2. Real-time display of voltage, current and power (active power) on the socket;
3. After the upper limit (voltage, power, etc.) is exceeded for a certain period of time (to prevent interference from causing false alarms), an automatic alarm (voice) will be issued, and the power will be automatically cut off to protect the safety of the subsequent circuit;
4. Display the total electricity consumption, and automatically count how much electricity was used in the last hour, how much electricity was used in the previous day, and how much electricity was used in the last month;
5. Calculate the electricity bill according to the set electricity bill unit price (users can set it by themselves);
6. It can automatically record the working conditions (working frequency) of electrical equipment, and automatically send out an alarm when the equipment uses abnormal electricity (such as air conditioners, refrigerators, etc., are not cooling or have been cooling, etc.);
7. Power-off storage function, long-term power-off, the recorded time, power and other data will not be lost;
8. Monochrome digital LCD display with backlight LED;
9. Perpetual calendar (temperature display);