加工工艺 : SMT贴片加工 插件后焊 成品组装
产品名称 : 智能小美
加工范围 : 智能控制系统
起批数量: 电议

ODM: Main Board of Intelligent Control System
Processing technology: SMT patch processing plug-in after-welding product assembly
Product Name: Smart Beauty
Processing Range: Intelligent Control System
Initial quantity: telegram
加工工艺 : SMT贴片加工 插件后焊 成品组装
产品名称 : 智能小美
加工范围 : 智能控制系统
起批数量: 电议

ODM: Main Board of Intelligent Control System
Processing technology: SMT patch processing plug-in after-welding product assembly
Product Name: Smart Beauty
Processing Range: Intelligent Control System
Initial quantity: telegram
加工工艺 : SMT贴片加工 插件后焊 成品组装
产品名称 : 智能小美
加工范围 : 智能控制系统
起批数量: 电议

ODM: Main Board of Intelligent Control System
Processing technology: SMT patch processing plug-in after-welding product assembly
Product Name: Smart Beauty
Processing Range: Intelligent Control System
Initial quantity: telegram