
2020-12-05 10:59:56








喷雾蒸脸器主要功能:补充皮肤水分 激活保湿因子 软化角质 改善肌肤吸收 美白淡斑 抑制痘痘暗疮生长,离子喷雾,它的喷雾比较稀薄,更容易渗透您的皮肤,更有助于脸部的血液循环,一个好的皮肤底子都是需要达到很好的保湿效果。      






1、    开机问候:“欢迎使用喷雾蒸脸器”

2、    请开机,请关闭蒸脸器

3、    设置模式:补水,亮肤等

4、    距离结束时间为1分钟

5、    美肤完毕,请休息2分钟后再睁开眼睛。



1. Background of spray evaporating face.

As people's living standards are getting higher and higher, more and more people pay attention to their faces. Faces directly affect a person's appearance and beauty, especially women. Most of them are eager to have a tender face. People's skin will change according to the changes of weather. Especially in autumn, they will feel the skin tense and itchy. To solve these problems, a new type of spray steaming device has been put into practice, which helps you to feel the color of your skin.

Voice controlled spray evaporating face module, voice recognition scheme for spray steamed face detector

Two. The main functions of spray evaporating face detector are:

The main functions of the spray evaporator are to replenish skin moisture, activate moisturizing factor, soften keratin, improve skin absorption, whitening and weak spots, inhibit acne growth, and ion spray. Its spray is thinner and easier to permeate your skin, and helps the blood circulation of the face. A good skin foundation needs to achieve very good moisturizing effect.

Voice controlled spray evaporating face module, voice recognition scheme for spray steamed face detector

Three. The value of adding the voice function by the spray evaporating face device.

When you use a spray steaming device, you must use your eyes closed. If you do not spray the water or essence into your eyes, increase the voice and speech recognition function, you can operate without opening your eyes. You can get a clearer picture of the working conditions of the steaming device.

Voice controlled spray evaporating face module, voice recognition scheme for spray steamed face detector

Four, the typical voice content of the spray evaporating face device: (in addition to voice play, it can also increase Relaxation Music).

1, start greeting: "welcome to use spray evaporating face device".

2. Turn on, turn off the face steamer, please.

3. Setting mode: water supply, skin brightening, etc.

4. The end time of the distance is 1 minute.

5. After skin care, please rest for 2 minutes before opening your eyes.

Five. The recommended voice scheme for spray evaporating face is:

WTK6900 voice chip scheme is recommended. It has clear voice, loud voice, built-in storage capacity, more content, can be stored by external SPI, built-in power amplifier output, can be replaced and processed according to customer's content needs. At the same time, it can store different national languages.