solution de contrôle de la lumière wifi
Brève introduction du programme:
En plus de la technologie traditionnelle de contrôle à distance par radiofréquence IR, RF, le marché actuel est populaire pour utiliser le réseau wifi pour contrôler à distance des produits, tels que les produits de contrôle de la lumière wifi. Grâce au wifi, un téléphone portable ou une tablette peut être utilisé comme télécommande pour contrôler les lumières de la maison. L'application de la technologie Wifi apportera de la commodité à la vie de chacun et rendra la vie plus intéressante.

Détails du programme:
Il existe 2 schémas pour la réalisation d'une commande d'éclairage intelligente:
Solution 1: l'extrémité de réception de la lampe a son propre module wifi, qui est directement contrôlé par l'application de téléphone mobile via le routeur wifi domestique;
Solution 2: l'extrémité de réception de la lampe n'a qu'un module 2.4G. Le téléphone portable ou la télécommande peut contrôler la lampe via un dispositif de relais. Cette solution convient pour contrôler plusieurs lampes, car le module 2.4G est moins cher que le wifi module, ce qui peut réduire le coût de la lampe.Ou la télécommande transmet le signal au dispositif de relais, et le dispositif de relais reçoit le signal et le transmet à la lampe via 2.4G, qui peut réaliser la fonction de contrôle de plusieurs lampes à le même temps.
Afin de coopérer avec les produits de contrôle d'éclairage wifi, nous avons conçu et développé une application (BRGlight) pour les lampes télécommandées sur les téléphones mobiles et les tablettes. Cette application peut prendre en charge les systèmes Android et IOS. Après avoir installé cette application, les utilisateurs peuvent facilement contrôler la couleur et les effets de clignotement des lumières sur leurs téléphones portables. À l'avenir, ils peuvent même contrôler tous les appareils électriques de la maison sur leurs téléphones portables.
4 modes de contrôle de l'application BRGlight:
Mode 1: contrôle de l'anneau de couleur
La moitié gauche du cercle de couleur indique la luminosité et la moitié droite la couleur. Vous pouvez choisir votre couleur préférée dans le cercle de couleurs.
Mode 2: mode intégré
20 types d'effets d'éclairage intégrés, les utilisateurs peuvent rapidement choisir leurs couleurs préférées et leurs méthodes de clignotement.
Mode 3: Mode musique
Vous pouvez choisir votre musique préférée à lire dans la musique locale du téléphone portable, puis le voyant LED ajustera la fréquence de clignotement et la luminosité en fonction du rythme et du volume de la musique.
Mode 4: Mode personnalisé
Les utilisateurs peuvent définir leurs couleurs préférées et définir la séquence de couleurs et la fréquence de clignotement, l'effet de fondu entrant et sortant, etc.
WiFi lamp control solution
Brief introduction of the scheme:
In addition to traditional IR and RF radio frequency remote control technology, WiFi network is now popular in the market for remote control products, such as WiFi light control products. With wifi, a mobile phone or a tablet computer, you can use it as a remote control to control the lights in your home. The application of Wifi technology will bring convenience to everybody's life and make life more interesting.
Details of the programme:
There are two schemes to realize intelligent light control:
Scheme 1: The lamp receiver has WiFi module, which is directly controlled by mobile App through the home WiFi router.
Scheme 2: The receiving end of the lamp only has 2.4G module, and the mobile phone or remote controller controls the lamp through a transfer device. This scheme is suitable for controlling multiple lamps, because 2.4G module is cheaper than WiFi module, which can reduce the cost of the lamp. The mobile phone or remote controller transmits the signal to the transfer device. After receiving the signal, the transfer device transmits the signal to the lamp through 2.4G, which can realize simultaneous control. Functions of multiple lamps.
In order to cooperate with WiFi lighting products, we designed and developed App (BRGlight) for remote control lamps on mobile phones and tablets. This App supports Android and IOS systems. After installing the App, users can easily control the color and flicker of lights on their mobile phones, and even control all appliances at home on their mobile phones in the future.
Functional introduction:
Four control modes of BRGlight App:
Mode 1: Color Ring Control
The left half of the color ring shows brightness and the right half shows color. You can choose any color you like in the color ring.
Mode 2: Built-in mode
Built-in 20 lighting effects, users can quickly choose their favorite color and flash mode.
Mode 3: Music Mode
You can choose the music you like to play in the local music of your mobile phone, and then the LED lights will adjust the frequency and brightness of the flicker according to the rhythm and volume of the music.
Mode 4: Custom mode
Users can set their own preference color and define the color order and flicker frequency, fading effect and so on.

为配合wifi灯控产品,我们设计并开发出App (BRGlight)用于手机和平板上遥控灯具。此App可以支持安卓和IOS系统。安装此App之后,用户可以在手机上轻松控制灯光的颜色和闪烁等效果,将来甚至可以在手机上控制家里的所有电器。
BRGlight App的4个控制模式:
WiFi lamp control solution
Brief introduction of the scheme:
In addition to traditional IR and RF radio frequency remote control technology, WiFi network is now popular in the market for remote control products, such as WiFi light control products. With wifi, a mobile phone or a tablet computer, you can use it as a remote control to control the lights in your home. The application of Wifi technology will bring convenience to everybody's life and make life more interesting.
Details of the programme:
There are two schemes to realize intelligent light control:
Scheme 1: The lamp receiver has WiFi module, which is directly controlled by mobile App through the home WiFi router.
Scheme 2: The receiving end of the lamp only has 2.4G module, and the mobile phone or remote controller controls the lamp through a transfer device. This scheme is suitable for controlling multiple lamps, because 2.4G module is cheaper than WiFi module, which can reduce the cost of the lamp. The mobile phone or remote controller transmits the signal to the transfer device. After receiving the signal, the transfer device transmits the signal to the lamp through 2.4G, which can realize simultaneous control. Functions of multiple lamps.
In order to cooperate with WiFi lighting products, we designed and developed App (BRGlight) for remote control lamps on mobile phones and tablets. This App supports Android and IOS systems. After installing the App, users can easily control the color and flicker of lights on their mobile phones, and even control all appliances at home on their mobile phones in the future.
Functional introduction:
Four control modes of BRGlight App:
Mode 1: Color Ring Control
The left half of the color ring shows brightness and the right half shows color. You can choose any color you like in the color ring.
Mode 2: Built-in mode
Built-in 20 lighting effects, users can quickly choose their favorite color and flash mode.
Mode 3: Music Mode
You can choose the music you like to play in the local music of your mobile phone, and then the LED lights will adjust the frequency and brightness of the flicker according to the rhythm and volume of the music.
Mode 4: Custom mode
Users can set their own preference color and define the color order and flicker frequency, fading effect and so on.

为配合wifi灯控产品,我们设计并开发出App (BRGlight)用于手机和平板上遥控灯具。此App可以支持安卓和IOS系统。安装此App之后,用户可以在手机上轻松控制灯光的颜色和闪烁等效果,将来甚至可以在手机上控制家里的所有电器。
BRGlight App的4个控制模式:
WiFi lamp control solution
Brief introduction of the scheme:
In addition to traditional IR and RF radio frequency remote control technology, WiFi network is now popular in the market for remote control products, such as WiFi light control products. With wifi, a mobile phone or a tablet computer, you can use it as a remote control to control the lights in your home. The application of Wifi technology will bring convenience to everybody's life and make life more interesting.
Details of the programme:
There are two schemes to realize intelligent light control:
Scheme 1: The lamp receiver has WiFi module, which is directly controlled by mobile App through the home WiFi router.
Scheme 2: The receiving end of the lamp only has 2.4G module, and the mobile phone or remote controller controls the lamp through a transfer device. This scheme is suitable for controlling multiple lamps, because 2.4G module is cheaper than WiFi module, which can reduce the cost of the lamp. The mobile phone or remote controller transmits the signal to the transfer device. After receiving the signal, the transfer device transmits the signal to the lamp through 2.4G, which can realize simultaneous control. Functions of multiple lamps.
In order to cooperate with WiFi lighting products, we designed and developed App (BRGlight) for remote control lamps on mobile phones and tablets. This App supports Android and IOS systems. After installing the App, users can easily control the color and flicker of lights on their mobile phones, and even control all appliances at home on their mobile phones in the future.
Functional introduction:
Four control modes of BRGlight App:
Mode 1: Color Ring Control
The left half of the color ring shows brightness and the right half shows color. You can choose any color you like in the color ring.
Mode 2: Built-in mode
Built-in 20 lighting effects, users can quickly choose their favorite color and flash mode.
Mode 3: Music Mode
You can choose the music you like to play in the local music of your mobile phone, and then the LED lights will adjust the frequency and brightness of the flicker according to the rhythm and volume of the music.
Mode 4: Custom mode
Users can set their own preference color and define the color order and flicker frequency, fading effect and so on.