Esquema de control de la plancha de pelo de cerámica

Esquema de control de la plancha de pelo de cerámicaDescripción del programa:La plancha para el cabello también se llama férula eléctrica, el nombre en inglés es Plancha para el cabello y comúnmente s

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  • 型号: Esquema de control de la plancha de pelo de cerámica

Esquema de control de la plancha de pelo de cerámica

Descripción del programa:

La plancha para el cabello también se llama férula eléctrica, el nombre en inglés es Plancha para el cabello y comúnmente se llama férula. Calienta el elemento calefactor MCH o PTC o el alambre calefactor de la plancha de pelo mediante corriente eléctrica y conduce el calor a la placa de aluminio o placa de cerámica. Recoja rápidamente la temperatura del elemento calefactor de cerámica Ajuste de temperatura de 5 niveles Luz indicadora de 5 vías para indicar el estado de funcionamiento

Desarrollo de MCU Fandou-Shenzhen, desarrollo de soluciones de productos de Shenzhen

Desarrollo de MCU Fandou-Shenzhen, desarrollo de soluciones de productos de Shenzhen

Desarrollo de MCU Fandou-Shenzhen, desarrollo de soluciones de productos de Shenzhen

Detalles del programa:

1. Configuración del interruptor de encendido

Enchufe el cable de alimentación, presione el botón ON / OFF para encender (el resto de los botones no se pueden encender ni apagar), la luz de fondo de la pantalla LCD, etc. se encenderá y la temperatura predeterminada en este momento es 180 ° C. (Según requerimientos del cliente)

2. Función de visualización de temperatura

El elemento calefactor se calentará automáticamente después de encenderse y dejará de calentar hasta la temperatura predeterminada de 180 ℃. Durante este proceso, el indicador de progreso de la temperatura en el lado izquierdo de la pantalla LCD mostrará el grado de calentamiento actual a medida que aumenta la temperatura.El rango de temperatura es de 80 ° C a 200 ° C. (Según requerimientos del cliente)

3. Configuración de ajuste de temperatura

Tome la función Celsius como ejemplo, presione HIGH, LOW para seleccionar la temperatura. Cada vez que presione HIGH o LOW, la temperatura que se muestra en la pantalla LCD aumentará o disminuirá en 5 ° C (según los requisitos del cliente). En este momento, la pantalla LCD parpadeará. Después de detener el ajuste de temperatura, parpadeará 4 veces para indicar confirmación y volverá a la pantalla de temperatura actual actual. El rango de ajuste de temperatura es 80 ℃ —200 ℃.

4. Sueño automático, apagado automático

Dado que el cliente no lo usa durante mucho tiempo después de encenderlo, el sistema entrará en un estado de suspensión y la temperatura será constante en aproximadamente 100 ° C (según los requisitos del cliente). Si no se usa durante media hora, el sistema se apagará automáticamente y el sistema se calentará y volverá a dormir en media hora. La temperatura anterior.

5. Protección contra cortocircuitos y circuitos abiertos del elemento calefactor

Si algún elemento calefactor tiene un cortocircuito o un circuito abierto, el sistema no se calentará y aparecerá Err en la pantalla LCD.

6. La potencia de temperatura constante es de 45 W y el error de temperatura es de +/- 3 ℃.


⑴ Reducir la diferencia de temperatura causada por diferentes ensamblajes NTC.

⑵ Debido a los diferentes métodos de control de temperatura, no hay un exceso de temperatura a alta temperatura que NTC evita, y el sistema es seguro.

⑶ Dado que la plancha de pelo sin NTC detecta la temperatura del núcleo del elemento calefactor, la precisión mejora enormemente y el error de temperatura es de +/- 3 ℃.

⑷No es necesario reemplazar ningún componente, puede funcionar con un voltaje de 110 ~ 220V.

⑸ Trabajando bajo voltaje de 110V y 220V, la potencia de calefacción es la misma.


1. pantalla de temperatura

2. Ajuste de temperatura

3. Apagado automático

4. Pantalla de conversión de grados Celsius y Fahrenheit

5. Sueño automático, despertador automático

6. Protección contra cortocircuitos y circuitos abiertos del elemento calefactor

7. Operación de voltaje amplio (110 ~ 220V)

Control Scheme of Ceramic Flake Straightener

Scheme description:

Hair straightener is also called electric splint. It is commonly called splint. It is heated by electric current through MCH or PTC or heating wire of the direct hair, which is transmitted to aluminium plate or ceramic plate for heating. Quick Collection of Five Grades Temperature of Ceramic Heating Plate and Adjustment of Five Channel Indicators

Details of the programme:

1. Power Switch Settings

Plug in the power plug, press ON/OFF boot button to boot (the rest of the buttons can not switch on), LCD backlight, etc., at this time the default temperature is 180 C. (Depending on customer's requirements)

2. Temperature Display Function

After starting, the heating experience will be automatically heated until the default temperature is 180 degrees Celsius. During this process, the temperature progress indicator on the left side of LCD will show the current heating degree with the increase of temperature. The temperature range is from 80 C to 200 C. (Depending on customer's requirements)

3. Temperature adjustment settings

Taking Celsius function as an example, LOW can select temperature according to HIGH. Each click on HIGH or LOW, the LCD temperature display will increase or decrease by 5 degrees Celsius (depending on customer requirements). At this time, LCD will flicker, after stopping the temperature adjustment, flicker 4 indicates confirmation, then return to the current actual temperature display. The range of temperature adjustment is from 80 to 200 C.

4. Automatic sleep, automatic shutdown

Because customers do not use the system for a long time after booting, the system will enter a dormant state, the temperature is constant at about 100 C (according to customer requirements), half an hour no longer use, the system will automatically shut down, in half an hour use the system will be heated to restore to the temperature before dormancy.

5. Short Circuit and Open Circuit Protection of Heater

If any heater is short-circuited or open, the system is not heated and Err is displayed on LCD.

6. The constant temperature power is 45W, and the temperature error is +/-3 C.


(1) Reduce the temperature difference caused by different NTC assemblies.

(2) Because of the different temperature control methods, the system is safe without the phenomenon of temperature overshoot avoided by NTC at high temperature.

_Because the non-NTC hair straightener is used to detect the core temperature of the heater, the accuracy is greatly improved, and the temperature error is +/-3 C.

(4) No need to replace any components, it can work normally at 110-220V voltage.

_Working at 110 V and 220 V, the heating power is the same.

Functional introduction:

1. Temperature display

2. Temperature regulation

3. Automatic shutdown

4. Display of Celsius and Fahrenheit Conversion

5. Automatic sleep, Automatic wake-up

6. Short Circuit and Open Circuit Protection of Heater

7. Wide Voltage Operation (110-220 V)



直发器又叫电夹板,英文名为Hair straightener,通俗的叫夹板,是通过电流加热直发器的发热体MCH或PTC或发热丝,传导到铝板或陶瓷板发热。 快速采集陶瓷发热片的温度 5级温度调整 5路指示灯指示工作状况

Desarrollo de MCU Fandou-Shenzhen, desarrollo de soluciones de productos de Shenzhen

Desarrollo de MCU Fandou-Shenzhen, desarrollo de soluciones de productos de Shenzhen

Desarrollo de MCU Fandou-Shenzhen, desarrollo de soluciones de productos de Shenzhen














⑴ 减少NTC装配不同而出现的温差。

⑵ 由于控温方式不同,无NTC避免的高温时温度过冲现象,系统安全性好。



⑸在110V 和220V 电压下工作,加温的功率一样。









Control Scheme of Ceramic Flake Straightener

Scheme description:

Hair straightener is also called electric splint. It is commonly called splint. It is heated by electric current through MCH or PTC or heating wire of the direct hair, which is transmitted to aluminium plate or ceramic plate for heating. Quick Collection of Five Grades Temperature of Ceramic Heating Plate and Adjustment of Five Channel Indicators

Details of the programme:

1. Power Switch Settings

Plug in the power plug, press ON/OFF boot button to boot (the rest of the buttons can not switch on), LCD backlight, etc., at this time the default temperature is 180 C. (Depending on customer's requirements)

2. Temperature Display Function

After starting, the heating experience will be automatically heated until the default temperature is 180 degrees Celsius. During this process, the temperature progress indicator on the left side of LCD will show the current heating degree with the increase of temperature. The temperature range is from 80 C to 200 C. (Depending on customer's requirements)

3. Temperature adjustment settings

Taking Celsius function as an example, LOW can select temperature according to HIGH. Each click on HIGH or LOW, the LCD temperature display will increase or decrease by 5 degrees Celsius (depending on customer requirements). At this time, LCD will flicker, after stopping the temperature adjustment, flicker 4 indicates confirmation, then return to the current actual temperature display. The range of temperature adjustment is from 80 to 200 C.

4. Automatic sleep, automatic shutdown

Because customers do not use the system for a long time after booting, the system will enter a dormant state, the temperature is constant at about 100 C (according to customer requirements), half an hour no longer use, the system will automatically shut down, in half an hour use the system will be heated to restore to the temperature before dormancy.

5. Short Circuit and Open Circuit Protection of Heater

If any heater is short-circuited or open, the system is not heated and Err is displayed on LCD.

6. The constant temperature power is 45W, and the temperature error is +/-3 C.


(1) Reduce the temperature difference caused by different NTC assemblies.

(2) Because of the different temperature control methods, the system is safe without the phenomenon of temperature overshoot avoided by NTC at high temperature.

_Because the non-NTC hair straightener is used to detect the core temperature of the heater, the accuracy is greatly improved, and the temperature error is +/-3 C.

(4) No need to replace any components, it can work normally at 110-220V voltage.

_Working at 110 V and 220 V, the heating power is the same.

Functional introduction:

1. Temperature display

2. Temperature regulation

3. Automatic shutdown

4. Display of Celsius and Fahrenheit Conversion

5. Automatic sleep, Automatic wake-up

6. Short Circuit and Open Circuit Protection of Heater

7. Wide Voltage Operation (110-220 V)



直发器又叫电夹板,英文名为Hair straightener,通俗的叫夹板,是通过电流加热直发器的发热体MCH或PTC或发热丝,传导到铝板或陶瓷板发热。 快速采集陶瓷发热片的温度 5级温度调整 5路指示灯指示工作状况

Desarrollo de MCU Fandou-Shenzhen, desarrollo de soluciones de productos de Shenzhen

Desarrollo de MCU Fandou-Shenzhen, desarrollo de soluciones de productos de Shenzhen

Desarrollo de MCU Fandou-Shenzhen, desarrollo de soluciones de productos de Shenzhen














⑴ 减少NTC装配不同而出现的温差。

⑵ 由于控温方式不同,无NTC避免的高温时温度过冲现象,系统安全性好。



⑸在110V 和220V 电压下工作,加温的功率一样。









Control Scheme of Ceramic Flake Straightener

Scheme description:

Hair straightener is also called electric splint. It is commonly called splint. It is heated by electric current through MCH or PTC or heating wire of the direct hair, which is transmitted to aluminium plate or ceramic plate for heating. Quick Collection of Five Grades Temperature of Ceramic Heating Plate and Adjustment of Five Channel Indicators

Details of the programme:

1. Power Switch Settings

Plug in the power plug, press ON/OFF boot button to boot (the rest of the buttons can not switch on), LCD backlight, etc., at this time the default temperature is 180 C. (Depending on customer's requirements)

2. Temperature Display Function

After starting, the heating experience will be automatically heated until the default temperature is 180 degrees Celsius. During this process, the temperature progress indicator on the left side of LCD will show the current heating degree with the increase of temperature. The temperature range is from 80 C to 200 C. (Depending on customer's requirements)

3. Temperature adjustment settings

Taking Celsius function as an example, LOW can select temperature according to HIGH. Each click on HIGH or LOW, the LCD temperature display will increase or decrease by 5 degrees Celsius (depending on customer requirements). At this time, LCD will flicker, after stopping the temperature adjustment, flicker 4 indicates confirmation, then return to the current actual temperature display. The range of temperature adjustment is from 80 to 200 C.

4. Automatic sleep, automatic shutdown

Because customers do not use the system for a long time after booting, the system will enter a dormant state, the temperature is constant at about 100 C (according to customer requirements), half an hour no longer use, the system will automatically shut down, in half an hour use the system will be heated to restore to the temperature before dormancy.

5. Short Circuit and Open Circuit Protection of Heater

If any heater is short-circuited or open, the system is not heated and Err is displayed on LCD.

6. The constant temperature power is 45W, and the temperature error is +/-3 C.


(1) Reduce the temperature difference caused by different NTC assemblies.

(2) Because of the different temperature control methods, the system is safe without the phenomenon of temperature overshoot avoided by NTC at high temperature.

_Because the non-NTC hair straightener is used to detect the core temperature of the heater, the accuracy is greatly improved, and the temperature error is +/-3 C.

(4) No need to replace any components, it can work normally at 110-220V voltage.

_Working at 110 V and 220 V, the heating power is the same.

Functional introduction:

1. Temperature display

2. Temperature regulation

3. Automatic shutdown

4. Display of Celsius and Fahrenheit Conversion

5. Automatic sleep, Automatic wake-up

6. Short Circuit and Open Circuit Protection of Heater

7. Wide Voltage Operation (110-220 V)