Esquema de control de atomizador y humidificador.
Descripción del programa:
El atomizador utiliza aire comprimido para formar un flujo de aire de alta velocidad a través de una pequeña boquilla. La presión negativa generada impulsa el líquido u otros fluidos que se rocían sobre la barrera. Bajo un impacto de alta velocidad, salpica para hacer que las gotas se conviertan en partículas nebulizadas que se rocían desde la salida de aire Fuera. Hay tres estados de atomización completa, semiautomización y no atomización, con función de detección de nivel de agua.
Detalles del programa:
Según los diferentes usos, existen muchos tipos de atomizadores:
Humidificador de aire: El humidificador que se utiliza para humedecer el aire es una especie de atomizador;
Nebulizador médico: dispositivo utilizado para tratar enfermedades del tracto respiratorio superior, perteneciente a equipos médicos;
Otros tipos de atomizadores: como los equipos de laca para peinar el cabello, una de las estructuras importantes de los cigarrillos electrónicos, que se utiliza para atomizar e-líquido
1.Compresor de pistón sin aceite de alta eficiencia, sin agua de enfriamiento durante la atomización, operación sin mantenimiento diario, más simple y más conveniente; atomización del medicamento original, sin dilución, buen efecto clínico; casi sin residuos de medicamentos, alta utilización de medicamentos .
2. Es más conveniente de operar y usar. El producto está equipado con una tráquea de 2 metros, que tiene mucho espacio para moverse y se puede usar para sentarse y acostarse. El componente de atomización es liviano y fácil de llevar y sostener.
3. La atomización utiliza la atomización de la medicina original, la cantidad de atomización inhalada dentro del tiempo de tratamiento relativo es apropiada, no es fácil hacer que la pared interna de la tráquea se hinche, hacer que la tráquea se bloquee, las partículas atomizadas son ultrafinas y no son fáciles de colisionar y combinar, y el cuerpo humano es cómodo de inhalar. Y puede entrar en los bronquios, pulmones y otras tráqueas, el efecto clínico es excelente, especialmente adecuado para el tratamiento de enfermedades del tracto respiratorio inferior.

Control Scheme of Atomizer and Humidifier
Scheme description:
The atomizer uses compressed air to form a high-speed airflow through a small orifice. The negative pressure generated drives the liquid or other fluids to spray onto the barrier together. Under the high-speed impact, the droplets splash around to make the droplets become atomized particles and spray out from the outlet pipe. Three-way LED driver circuit with water level detection function in three states: full atomization, semi-atomization and non-atomization
Details of the programme:
There are many types of atomizers for different purposes:
Air humidifier: The humidifier used to humidify air is a kind of atomizer.
Medical nebulizer: a device for treating upper respiratory tract diseases, belonging to medical devices;
Other types of nebulizers: such as hair styling equipment for hair spray, one of the important structures of electronic smoke, used to atomize fume.
Functional introduction:
1. Efficient oil-free piston compressor, no cooling water, maintenance-free, easy to operate; original drug atomization, no dilution, good clinical effect; almost no drug residues, high drug utilization rate.
2. It is more convenient to operate and use. The product is equipped with a 2-meter trachea. It has large room for movement. It can be used for sitting and lying. The atomization component is light and convenient to wear and hold.
3. Atomization with the original drug is suitable for inhalation in relative treatment time. It is not easy to cause mucosal swelling in the inner wall of the trachea, blockage of the trachea, ultrafine atomized particles, and not easy to collide with each other. It is comfortable for human body to inhale and can enter the trachea such as bronchus and lungs. It has excellent clinical effect and is especially suitable for the treatment of lower respiratory tract diseases.
雾化器是利用压缩空气通过细小管口形成高速气流,产生的负压带动液体或其它流体一起喷射到阻挡物上,在高速撞击下向周围飞溅使液滴变成雾状微粒从出气管喷出。 具有全雾化、半雾化以及不雾化三种状态 有水位检测功能 三路LED 驱动电路
1. 高效无油活塞式压缩机,雾化时不需冷却水、日常免维护、操作更简单方便;原药雾化,不需稀释,临床效果好;几乎没有药物残留量,药物利用率高。
2. 操作使用更方便,产品备有2米气管一根,活动余地大,坐、躺都能用,雾化组件轻巧,佩戴、手扶方便。
3. 雾化使用原药雾化,在相对的治疗时间内吸入的雾化量适宜,不易造成气管内壁粘膜发涨,造成气管堵塞,雾化的颗粒超细,并且不易碰撞结合,人体吸入舒适,而且能进入支气管、肺部等气管,临床效果极佳,特适宜下呼吸道疾病治疗。

Control Scheme of Atomizer and Humidifier
Scheme description:
The atomizer uses compressed air to form a high-speed airflow through a small orifice. The negative pressure generated drives the liquid or other fluids to spray onto the barrier together. Under the high-speed impact, the droplets splash around to make the droplets become atomized particles and spray out from the outlet pipe. Three-way LED driver circuit with water level detection function in three states: full atomization, semi-atomization and non-atomization
Details of the programme:
There are many types of atomizers for different purposes:
Air humidifier: The humidifier used to humidify air is a kind of atomizer.
Medical nebulizer: a device for treating upper respiratory tract diseases, belonging to medical devices;
Other types of nebulizers: such as hair styling equipment for hair spray, one of the important structures of electronic smoke, used to atomize fume.
Functional introduction:
1. Efficient oil-free piston compressor, no cooling water, maintenance-free, easy to operate; original drug atomization, no dilution, good clinical effect; almost no drug residues, high drug utilization rate.
2. It is more convenient to operate and use. The product is equipped with a 2-meter trachea. It has large room for movement. It can be used for sitting and lying. The atomization component is light and convenient to wear and hold.
3. Atomization with the original drug is suitable for inhalation in relative treatment time. It is not easy to cause mucosal swelling in the inner wall of the trachea, blockage of the trachea, ultrafine atomized particles, and not easy to collide with each other. It is comfortable for human body to inhale and can enter the trachea such as bronchus and lungs. It has excellent clinical effect and is especially suitable for the treatment of lower respiratory tract diseases.
雾化器是利用压缩空气通过细小管口形成高速气流,产生的负压带动液体或其它流体一起喷射到阻挡物上,在高速撞击下向周围飞溅使液滴变成雾状微粒从出气管喷出。 具有全雾化、半雾化以及不雾化三种状态 有水位检测功能 三路LED 驱动电路
1. 高效无油活塞式压缩机,雾化时不需冷却水、日常免维护、操作更简单方便;原药雾化,不需稀释,临床效果好;几乎没有药物残留量,药物利用率高。
2. 操作使用更方便,产品备有2米气管一根,活动余地大,坐、躺都能用,雾化组件轻巧,佩戴、手扶方便。
3. 雾化使用原药雾化,在相对的治疗时间内吸入的雾化量适宜,不易造成气管内壁粘膜发涨,造成气管堵塞,雾化的颗粒超细,并且不易碰撞结合,人体吸入舒适,而且能进入支气管、肺部等气管,临床效果极佳,特适宜下呼吸道疾病治疗。

Control Scheme of Atomizer and Humidifier
Scheme description:
The atomizer uses compressed air to form a high-speed airflow through a small orifice. The negative pressure generated drives the liquid or other fluids to spray onto the barrier together. Under the high-speed impact, the droplets splash around to make the droplets become atomized particles and spray out from the outlet pipe. Three-way LED driver circuit with water level detection function in three states: full atomization, semi-atomization and non-atomization
Details of the programme:
There are many types of atomizers for different purposes:
Air humidifier: The humidifier used to humidify air is a kind of atomizer.
Medical nebulizer: a device for treating upper respiratory tract diseases, belonging to medical devices;
Other types of nebulizers: such as hair styling equipment for hair spray, one of the important structures of electronic smoke, used to atomize fume.
Functional introduction:
1. Efficient oil-free piston compressor, no cooling water, maintenance-free, easy to operate; original drug atomization, no dilution, good clinical effect; almost no drug residues, high drug utilization rate.
2. It is more convenient to operate and use. The product is equipped with a 2-meter trachea. It has large room for movement. It can be used for sitting and lying. The atomization component is light and convenient to wear and hold.
3. Atomization with the original drug is suitable for inhalation in relative treatment time. It is not easy to cause mucosal swelling in the inner wall of the trachea, blockage of the trachea, ultrafine atomized particles, and not easy to collide with each other. It is comfortable for human body to inhale and can enter the trachea such as bronchus and lungs. It has excellent clinical effect and is especially suitable for the treatment of lower respiratory tract diseases.