Esquema de control del encendedor de pulsos
Descripción del programa:
El encendedor de pulsos, denominado pulsador, es un producto electrónico que utiliza el principio del pulso para generar chispas instantáneas continuas para encender la llama de los aparatos de gas. Los primeros pulsadores utilizaban principalmente baterías secas como fuentes de energía, pero la mayoría de los productos en los últimos años han cambiado a la corriente alterna como fuentes de energía. Ventajas: función de pantalla LED; función de autoprotección; vida útil: más de 100,000 semanas de trabajo; frecuencia de encendido estable, arco largo, rendimiento confiable; potencia potente, que puede encender directamente combustibles líquidos como aceite pesado atomizado; varilla de encendido, alambre de goma de alto voltaje, El encendedor es fácil de conectar, seguro y confiable; el cabezal de encendido, el tiempo de encendido y la potencia de encendido se pueden fabricar de acuerdo con los requisitos del cliente.
Detalles del programa:
Las principales funciones del sistema de controlador de encendido por pulsos: autocomprobación de seguridad, control de encendido, protección contra apagamiento, alarma de falla.
Todo el sistema está controlado por el interruptor de encendido. Cuando el usuario presiona el interruptor de encendido, la aguja de encendido genera una chispa de alto voltaje y la detección de llama determina si el encendido es exitoso. Si hay una señal de llama, el encendido se detiene y la función de detección de retroalimentación se activa. Todo el proceso puede evitar eficazmente la situación de que la válvula de gas se abra sin quemarse, lo que mejora en gran medida la seguridad y confiabilidad del producto.
El encendedor de pulsos se puede utilizar para combustible de gas, encendedor de pulsos.
El encendido directo de quemadores de combustible líquido o antorchas no requiere otros medios auxiliares de encendido. Se usa ampliamente en el encendido de llama abierta de quemadores de combustible gaseoso o líquido en varios hornos industriales de calentadores de agua. El tiempo de encendido se puede establecer por sí mismo para lograr la estabilidad del sistema de combustión El encendido es cómodo y rápido, ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo y es muy fiable.

Control Scheme of Pulse Igniter
Scheme description:
Pulse igniter, short for Pulse igniter, is an electronic product that uses the principle of pulse to generate continuous instantaneous sparks and ignite gas flame. Most of the early pulsers were powered by dry batteries, but in recent years, most of the products have been converted to AC power supply. Advantages: LED display function; self-protection function; service life: more than 100000 working weeks; stable ignition frequency, long arc, reliable performance; strong power, can directly ignite liquid fuels such as atomized heavy oil; ignition rod, high-pressure rubber wire, igniter and other convenient connection, safe and reliable; ignition head, ignition time, ignition power can be in accordance with customer requirements. Manufacture.
Details of the programme:
The main functions of the pulse ignition controller system are safety self-check, ignition control, extinguishing protection and fault alarm.
The whole system is controlled by the ignition switch. When the user presses the ignition switch, the ignition needle generates high-pressure spark, and judges whether the ignition is successful by flame detection. If there is a flame signal, the ignition is stopped and the feedback detection function is started. The whole process can effectively avoid the situation that the gas valve is open without burning, and greatly improve the safety and reliability of the product.
Functional introduction:
Pulse igniter can be used for gas fuel and pulse igniter.
The direct ignition of liquid fuel burner or torch does not need other auxiliary ignition means any more. It is widely used in the open flame ignition of gas fuel or liquid fuel burner in various industrial furnaces of water heaters. By setting the ignition time by itself, the stable ignition of combustion system can be realized, which is convenient, fast, time-saving and labor-saving, and has high reliability.
脉冲点火器,简称脉冲器,就是利用脉冲原理产生连续性瞬间电火花,从而点燃燃气具火焰的电子产品。早期的脉冲器多以干电池作电源,但近年来的大部分产品已改用交流电作为电源。 优势功能: LED 显示功能; 自我保护功能; 使用寿命:100000 工作周以上; 点火频率稳定,电弧长,性能可靠; 功率强大,可直接点燃液体燃料如雾化重油等; 点火杆、高压橡胶线、点火器等连接方便,安全可靠; 点火头,点火时间,点火功率可按照客户的要求制造。

Control Scheme of Pulse Igniter
Scheme description:
Pulse igniter, short for Pulse igniter, is an electronic product that uses the principle of pulse to generate continuous instantaneous sparks and ignite gas flame. Most of the early pulsers were powered by dry batteries, but in recent years, most of the products have been converted to AC power supply. Advantages: LED display function; self-protection function; service life: more than 100000 working weeks; stable ignition frequency, long arc, reliable performance; strong power, can directly ignite liquid fuels such as atomized heavy oil; ignition rod, high-pressure rubber wire, igniter and other convenient connection, safe and reliable; ignition head, ignition time, ignition power can be in accordance with customer requirements. Manufacture.
Details of the programme:
The main functions of the pulse ignition controller system are safety self-check, ignition control, extinguishing protection and fault alarm.
The whole system is controlled by the ignition switch. When the user presses the ignition switch, the ignition needle generates high-pressure spark, and judges whether the ignition is successful by flame detection. If there is a flame signal, the ignition is stopped and the feedback detection function is started. The whole process can effectively avoid the situation that the gas valve is open without burning, and greatly improve the safety and reliability of the product.
Functional introduction:
Pulse igniter can be used for gas fuel and pulse igniter.
The direct ignition of liquid fuel burner or torch does not need other auxiliary ignition means any more. It is widely used in the open flame ignition of gas fuel or liquid fuel burner in various industrial furnaces of water heaters. By setting the ignition time by itself, the stable ignition of combustion system can be realized, which is convenient, fast, time-saving and labor-saving, and has high reliability.
脉冲点火器,简称脉冲器,就是利用脉冲原理产生连续性瞬间电火花,从而点燃燃气具火焰的电子产品。早期的脉冲器多以干电池作电源,但近年来的大部分产品已改用交流电作为电源。 优势功能: LED 显示功能; 自我保护功能; 使用寿命:100000 工作周以上; 点火频率稳定,电弧长,性能可靠; 功率强大,可直接点燃液体燃料如雾化重油等; 点火杆、高压橡胶线、点火器等连接方便,安全可靠; 点火头,点火时间,点火功率可按照客户的要求制造。

Control Scheme of Pulse Igniter
Scheme description:
Pulse igniter, short for Pulse igniter, is an electronic product that uses the principle of pulse to generate continuous instantaneous sparks and ignite gas flame. Most of the early pulsers were powered by dry batteries, but in recent years, most of the products have been converted to AC power supply. Advantages: LED display function; self-protection function; service life: more than 100000 working weeks; stable ignition frequency, long arc, reliable performance; strong power, can directly ignite liquid fuels such as atomized heavy oil; ignition rod, high-pressure rubber wire, igniter and other convenient connection, safe and reliable; ignition head, ignition time, ignition power can be in accordance with customer requirements. Manufacture.
Details of the programme:
The main functions of the pulse ignition controller system are safety self-check, ignition control, extinguishing protection and fault alarm.
The whole system is controlled by the ignition switch. When the user presses the ignition switch, the ignition needle generates high-pressure spark, and judges whether the ignition is successful by flame detection. If there is a flame signal, the ignition is stopped and the feedback detection function is started. The whole process can effectively avoid the situation that the gas valve is open without burning, and greatly improve the safety and reliability of the product.
Functional introduction:
Pulse igniter can be used for gas fuel and pulse igniter.
The direct ignition of liquid fuel burner or torch does not need other auxiliary ignition means any more. It is widely used in the open flame ignition of gas fuel or liquid fuel burner in various industrial furnaces of water heaters. By setting the ignition time by itself, the stable ignition of combustion system can be realized, which is convenient, fast, time-saving and labor-saving, and has high reliability.