Solución de marco de fotos digital
Breve descripción del esquema:
Un marco de fotos digital es un marco de fotos, pero ya no se muestra colocando fotos, sino que se muestra en una pantalla LCD. Puede obtener fotos de la tarjeta SD a través de la interfaz del lector de tarjetas y configurar el modo de visualización en bucle. Los marcos de fotos comunes son más flexibles y cambiables, y también brindan un nuevo espacio de visualización para las fotos digitales cada vez más utilizadas. Tamaño del marco de fotos digital: 1.1 "—— 10.1", etc. Teclas: Page Up: Subir / subir Menú: Mostrar menú / confirmar Page Down: Bajar / Abajo

Detalles del programa:
1. Interfaz USB2.0;
2. Soporta pantallas de visualización de 1,1 pulgadas a 10,1 pulgadas;
3. Se puede utilizar un voltaje de funcionamiento de 2,7 ~ 3,3 V, batería seca o batería de litio;
4. La corriente de funcionamiento en espera es inferior a 10uA, y la imagen muestra que la corriente es inferior a 12 mA (bajo voltaje de 3 V);
5. El software de computadora es compatible con Windows98, 2000 y XP;
6. No es necesario instalar ningún controlador en Windows 2000 y XP;
7. El software de computadora admite formatos de imagen BMP, GIF y JPEG;
8. El producto no necesita estar equipado con un CD.
El marco de fotos digital es un producto de consumo electrónico de moda y una decoración necesaria para la familia. Heredando la moda digital y la calidez de los marcos de fotos, es muy versátil. Por ejemplo, se puede utilizar como obsequio empresarial, obsequio navideño, souvenirs, exposiciones, premios sociales, mobiliario moderno, fotografía de bodas, automoción, equipo de fotografía digital, accesorios personales personales, etc. Con la popularización de los marcos de fotos digitales, seguramente aparecerán más y más aplicaciones creativas interesantes, que traerán diversión sin fin a nuestras vidas cotidianas. Se puede usar como exquisitos marcos artísticos y marcos de fotos, se puede colocar en la mesa del mostrador, también se puede colgar en la pared como un mural y también se puede usar como una máquina publicitaria dinámica y estática, adecuada para familias, varios lugares elegantes como centros comerciales, hoteles, hoteles, Centros de ocio, bares, cafeterías, pasillos, etc.
Digital Photo Frame Scheme
Brief description of the programme:
Digital photo frame is a photo frame, but it is no longer displayed in the way of photos, but through a LCD screen display, it can get photos from SD card through the card reader interface, and set the way of circular display. It is more flexible and flexible than ordinary photo frame, and also gives a new display space for the increasingly used digital photos. Digital photo frame size: 1.1"-10.1" and other keys: Page Up: Up/Up Menu: Display menu/Confirm Page Down: Down/Down
Details of the programme:
1. USB2.0 interface;
2. Supporting 1.1-10.1-inch display screen;
3, 2.7-3.3V working voltage, can use dry batteries or lithium electricity;
4. Standby current is less than 10uA and picture display current is less than 12mA (under 3V voltage).
5. Computer software supports Windows 98, 2000 and XP;
6. There is no need to install driver under Windows 2000 and XP.
7. Computer software supports BMP, GIF and JPEG image formats.
8. The product does not need to be equipped with CD-ROM.
Functional introduction:
Digital photo frame is a fashionable electronic consumer goods, but also a necessary decoration for families. It inherits the digital fashion and the warmth of photo frames, and has a wide range of uses. For example, it can be used as business gifts, Festival gifts, souvenirs, exhibitions, welfare prizes, modern furniture, wedding photography, car-mounted, digital photography equipment, personal accessories and so on. With the popularization of digital photo frames, there will be more and more interesting creative applications, which will bring endless pleasure to our dull life. It can be used as a beautiful art picture frame and photo frame. It can be placed on the desktop or wall as murals. It can also be used as a dynamic and static advertising machine. It is suitable for families and various elegant places such as shopping malls, hotels, leisure centers, bars, cafes, corridors, etc.
数码相框就是一个相框,不过它不再用放进相片的方式来展示,而是通过一个液晶的屏幕显示,它可以通过读卡器的接口从SD卡获取相片,并设置循环显示的方式,比普通的相框更灵活多变,也给现在日益使用的数码相片一个新的展示空间。 数码相框尺寸: 1.1〞——10.1"等 按键: Page Up:上移/上翻 Menu:显示功能表/确认 Page Down:下移/下翻

8. 产品无需配备光盘。
数码相框是时尚的电子消费品、也是家庭必备的装饰品。继承了数码的时尚和相框的温情,用途十分广泛。比如,可以作为商务礼品、节日礼品、纪念品、展览展示、 福利奖品、现代家私、婚纱摄影、车载、数码摄影器材、 随身个性饰品等。随着数码相框的大众化,一定会出现越来越多有意思的创意应用,为我们的平淡的生活带来无穷的乐趣。可当做精美的艺术画框和相框,可摆放在柜台桌面,也可挂墙当做壁画,同时也可作为动态及静态广告机使用,适用于家庭,各种高雅场所如商场,宾馆,酒店,休闲中心,酒吧,咖啡馆,走廊等。
Digital Photo Frame Scheme
Brief description of the programme:
Digital photo frame is a photo frame, but it is no longer displayed in the way of photos, but through a LCD screen display, it can get photos from SD card through the card reader interface, and set the way of circular display. It is more flexible and flexible than ordinary photo frame, and also gives a new display space for the increasingly used digital photos. Digital photo frame size: 1.1"-10.1" and other keys: Page Up: Up/Up Menu: Display menu/Confirm Page Down: Down/Down
Details of the programme:
1. USB2.0 interface;
2. Supporting 1.1-10.1-inch display screen;
3, 2.7-3.3V working voltage, can use dry batteries or lithium electricity;
4. Standby current is less than 10uA and picture display current is less than 12mA (under 3V voltage).
5. Computer software supports Windows 98, 2000 and XP;
6. There is no need to install driver under Windows 2000 and XP.
7. Computer software supports BMP, GIF and JPEG image formats.
8. The product does not need to be equipped with CD-ROM.
Functional introduction:
Digital photo frame is a fashionable electronic consumer goods, but also a necessary decoration for families. It inherits the digital fashion and the warmth of photo frames, and has a wide range of uses. For example, it can be used as business gifts, Festival gifts, souvenirs, exhibitions, welfare prizes, modern furniture, wedding photography, car-mounted, digital photography equipment, personal accessories and so on. With the popularization of digital photo frames, there will be more and more interesting creative applications, which will bring endless pleasure to our dull life. It can be used as a beautiful art picture frame and photo frame. It can be placed on the desktop or wall as murals. It can also be used as a dynamic and static advertising machine. It is suitable for families and various elegant places such as shopping malls, hotels, leisure centers, bars, cafes, corridors, etc.
数码相框就是一个相框,不过它不再用放进相片的方式来展示,而是通过一个液晶的屏幕显示,它可以通过读卡器的接口从SD卡获取相片,并设置循环显示的方式,比普通的相框更灵活多变,也给现在日益使用的数码相片一个新的展示空间。 数码相框尺寸: 1.1〞——10.1"等 按键: Page Up:上移/上翻 Menu:显示功能表/确认 Page Down:下移/下翻

8. 产品无需配备光盘。
数码相框是时尚的电子消费品、也是家庭必备的装饰品。继承了数码的时尚和相框的温情,用途十分广泛。比如,可以作为商务礼品、节日礼品、纪念品、展览展示、 福利奖品、现代家私、婚纱摄影、车载、数码摄影器材、 随身个性饰品等。随着数码相框的大众化,一定会出现越来越多有意思的创意应用,为我们的平淡的生活带来无穷的乐趣。可当做精美的艺术画框和相框,可摆放在柜台桌面,也可挂墙当做壁画,同时也可作为动态及静态广告机使用,适用于家庭,各种高雅场所如商场,宾馆,酒店,休闲中心,酒吧,咖啡馆,走廊等。
Digital Photo Frame Scheme
Brief description of the programme:
Digital photo frame is a photo frame, but it is no longer displayed in the way of photos, but through a LCD screen display, it can get photos from SD card through the card reader interface, and set the way of circular display. It is more flexible and flexible than ordinary photo frame, and also gives a new display space for the increasingly used digital photos. Digital photo frame size: 1.1"-10.1" and other keys: Page Up: Up/Up Menu: Display menu/Confirm Page Down: Down/Down
Details of the programme:
1. USB2.0 interface;
2. Supporting 1.1-10.1-inch display screen;
3, 2.7-3.3V working voltage, can use dry batteries or lithium electricity;
4. Standby current is less than 10uA and picture display current is less than 12mA (under 3V voltage).
5. Computer software supports Windows 98, 2000 and XP;
6. There is no need to install driver under Windows 2000 and XP.
7. Computer software supports BMP, GIF and JPEG image formats.
8. The product does not need to be equipped with CD-ROM.
Functional introduction:
Digital photo frame is a fashionable electronic consumer goods, but also a necessary decoration for families. It inherits the digital fashion and the warmth of photo frames, and has a wide range of uses. For example, it can be used as business gifts, Festival gifts, souvenirs, exhibitions, welfare prizes, modern furniture, wedding photography, car-mounted, digital photography equipment, personal accessories and so on. With the popularization of digital photo frames, there will be more and more interesting creative applications, which will bring endless pleasure to our dull life. It can be used as a beautiful art picture frame and photo frame. It can be placed on the desktop or wall as murals. It can also be used as a dynamic and static advertising machine. It is suitable for families and various elegant places such as shopping malls, hotels, leisure centers, bars, cafes, corridors, etc.