Desarrollo del programa de productos de ropa interior inteligente de ropa interior inteligente
¿Por qué los sistemas de vigilancia del cáncer de mama?
El cáncer de mama siempre ha sido la principal causa de muerte que amenaza la salud de las mujeres y también es el tumor maligno más grande del mundo. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, hay 1,2 millones de nuevos pacientes con cáncer de mama en todo el mundo cada año. En China, la incidencia de cáncer de mama en mujeres alcanza 42,55 / 100.000, y está aumentando a una tasa del 3% -4% por año. Según las estadísticas de la Comisión Nacional de Salud y Planificación Familiar, en China, en promedio, una mujer es diagnosticada con cáncer de mama cada dos minutos y medio y una mujer muere de cáncer de mama cada 13 minutos. En las ciudades desarrolladas, hay un promedio de 40 por cada 100 personas. Padece de diversos grados de enfermedad mamaria, una grave amenaza para la salud física y mental de las mujeres. Aunque el cáncer de mama es terrible, la tasa de curación del cáncer de mama temprano puede llegar al 90%. Si detectamos el cáncer de mama a tiempo y lo tratamos a tiempo, podemos evitar las graves consecuencias de la progresión del tumor. La prevención del cáncer de mama es mejor que el tratamiento. Fandou Technology insiste en el control del cáncer de mama, con la esperanza de ayudar a las mujeres de todo el mundo a prevenir el cáncer de mama y mantenerlas alejadas del dolor y el daño causado por la enfermedad de las mamas.

Ventajas tecnicas
Una ropa interior inteligente que puede controlar el cáncer de mama
El sistema inteligente de monitorización del cáncer de mama ha sido desarrollado conjuntamente por Fandou Technology y el joven miembro del Comité Profesional de Cáncer de Mama de la Asociación China contra el Cáncer, el Hospital Ruijin afiliado a la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Jiaotong de Shanghai, Dr. Han, y la marca de ropa interior funcional de renombre internacional Lightness, y ha ganado muchos premios nacionales La tecnología patentada, verificada por decenas de miles de usuarios, puede controlar las anomalías de los senos en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar.
Principio de seguimiento
1. Cuando el tejido subcutáneo de la mama tiene lesiones (como hiperplasia mamaria, nódulos), la temperatura de la lesión será ligeramente más alta que la temperatura de los tejidos normales circundantes (como cuando nuestra rodilla se rompió cuando éramos jóvenes y el sitio lesionado se inflamaba y pus, La temperatura corporal en esa zona será más alta).
2. Usando el diseño de matriz de puntos de 16 sensores inteligentes en miniatura, la temperatura del tejido subcutáneo en el área del pecho se puede recolectar con precisión para una identificación anormal.
3. A través del análisis comparativo de grandes datos, controle oportunamente las anomalías actuales de los senos del usuario.
4. La aplicación visualiza el informe de análisis de datos de seguimiento, con una precisión de más del 95%.
5. Realice inmediatamente sugerencias para la toma de decisiones de respuesta para la prevención temprana.
Una ropa interior inteligente que puede tratar los senos.
Según la Organización Internacional de la Salud, más del 90% de las mujeres casadas en China tienen problemas de salud mamaria de diversos grados. Las enfermedades mamarias como la hiperplasia mamaria, los nódulos mamarios, los fibromas y el cáncer de mama ponen en peligro la salud de cientos de millones de mujeres. .
Fandou Technology ha establecido conjuntamente un equipo de proyecto con varios hospitales escolares, con la esperanza de mejorar los problemas de salud de los senos a través de las mujeres que usan este sostén en tiempo real. Así que existe un producto de ropa interior inteligente de resonancia giromagnética, que ha servido a decenas de miles de personas, brindando salud y felicidad a las mujeres.
Principios de fisioterapia
La giromagnética, también conocida como magnetismo en movimiento, es una onda de energía que es la más cercana al campo magnético del cuerpo humano. Según la evidencia médica, la resonancia biomagnética tiene el efecto de activar la sangre para eliminar la estasis sanguínea y promover la microcirculación sanguínea en el cuerpo humano. Puede ayudar a dragar la estasis mamaria. , Para lograr el efecto de la medicina tradicional china: general significa que no hay dolor y el dolor no significa nada.
Parámetros técnicos de la ropa interior giromagnética inteligente.
Se implanta una máquina micro giromagnética en el punto de acupuntura Tianxi para producir el mismo efecto de resonancia de frecuencia durante el trabajo, lo que promueve la microcirculación sanguínea y excreta el sedimento en el cuerpo a través del metabolismo.
La aplicación admite múltiples modos + ajuste de intensidad + función de sincronización + información de salud y otras funciones. Es una herramienta inteligente de innovación para la salud de los senos.
| Introducción al software
Control de aplicaciones
Admite sistemas Android 4.4 y superiores, iOS 8.0 y sistemas superiores; Transmisión del modelo Bluetooth versión 4.0; a través del módulo Bluetooth de control inteligente en la ropa y la APLICACIÓN del teléfono móvil del usuario para la conexión de software y hardware, el usuario puede controlar en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar y puede ver datos en tiempo real.
Development of Intelligent Underwear Intelligent Underwear Product Scheme
Why do breast cancer surveillance systems work?
Breast cancer has always been the number one killer threatening women's health, and also the world's largest malignant tumor. According to the World Health Organization, there are 1.2 million new breast cancer patients in the world every year. In China, the incidence of female breast cancer reaches 42.55/100,000, and it is growing at a rate of 3-4% per year. According to the statistics of the State Health Planning Commission, in our country, on average, one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 2.5 minutes, and one woman dies of breast cancer every 13 minutes. In developed cities, 40 people suffer from different degrees of breast diseases per 100 people, which seriously threatens women's physical and mental health. Although breast cancer is terrible, the cure rate of early breast cancer can be as high as 90%. If we detect breast cancer early and treat it promptly, we can avoid the serious consequences caused by the deterioration of the cancer. Prevention of breast cancer is better than treatment. Saffron technology insists on breast cancer surveillance, hoping to help women around the world prevent breast cancer, so that they can avoid the pain and injury caused by breast disease.
Technological superiority
A smart underwear that can monitor breast cancer
Intelligent breast cancer monitoring system is jointly developed by Saidou Technology and the young member of the breast cancer Professional Committee of China Anti-cancer Association, Dr. Han, Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College, and Letnis, an internationally renowned functional underwear brand. It has obtained a number of national patented technologies and has been verified by tens of thousands of users. It can monitor breast abnormalities anytime and anywhere.
Monitoring principle
1. When subcutaneous lesions of the breast (such as breast hyperplasia and nodules) occur, the temperature of the lesion area will be slightly higher than that of the surrounding normal tissues (like when we were young, when our knees were broken, when the injured area was inflamed and purulent, the somatosensory temperature of that area will be higher).
2. By using the dot-matrix layout of 16 miniature intelligent sensors, the temperature of subcutaneous tissue in the breast region can be accurately collected and the anomalies can be identified.
3. Through the comparative analysis of large data, we can timely monitor the current breast abnormalities of users.
4. App visual presentation of monitoring data analysis report, accuracy of more than 95%.
5. Immediate output of policy-making recommendations and early prevention.
A smart underwear for physiotherapy of breast
According to WHO data, more than 90% of married women in China have different degrees of breast health problems, breast hyperplasia, breast nodules, fibroma, breast cancer and other breast diseases endanger the health of hundreds of millions of women.
Sauda Bean Science and Technology and a number of school hospitals jointly set up a project team, hoping to improve breast health problems through real-time wearing of the bra by women. So there are intelligent underwear products of rotational magnetic resonance. At present, this product has served tens of thousands of people, bringing health and happiness to women.
Physiotherapy principle
Rotary magnetic field, also known as dynamic magnetic field, is the closest energy wave to human magnetic field. According to medical evidence, biomagnetic resonance has the effect of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, promoting blood microcirculation, and can help breast stasis dredging well, thus achieving the effect of traditional Chinese medicine: general pain, pain is not unimportant.
Technical parameters of intelligent spinning magnetic underwear
Implantation of micro-cyclomagnetic machine in Tianxi acupoint can produce the same frequency resonance effect when it works, thus promoting blood microcirculation and excreting the body silt by metabolic way.
APP supports multi-mode + dynamics regulation + timing function + health information and other functions, and is an innovative tool for breast health.
| Introduction to Software
APP manipulation
Support Android 4.4 system, iOS 8.0 system, Bluetooth version 4.0 transmission, through the smart Bluetooth module on clothing and the user's mobile phone APP software and hardware connection, users can control anywhere and anytime and real-time data viewing.
乳腺癌 一直是威胁女性健康的头号杀手,也是全球第一大恶性肿瘤。据世界卫生组织报道,全球每年新增乳腺癌患者120万,而在中国,女性乳腺癌发病率达到42.55/10万,并以每年 3%-4% 的速度增长。据国家卫计委统计,在我国,平均每2分半钟,就有一位女性被确诊为乳腺癌,每 13 分钟有一位女性死于乳腺癌,在发达城市,平均每100人就有40人患有不同程度乳腺疾病,严重威胁着女性身心健康。乳腺癌虽然可怕,然而早期乳腺癌治愈率也能高达9成以上。如果我们及早发现乳腺癌及时治疗,能避免肿瘤恶化导致的严重后果,乳腺癌预防胜于治疗。帆豆科技坚持做乳腺癌监测,就是希望帮天下女人预防乳腺癌,让她们远离乳腺疾病带来的痛苦和伤害。

智能乳腺癌监测系统是帆豆科技与中国抗癌协会乳腺癌专业委员会青年委员、上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 – 韩博士、国际知名功能型内衣品牌 – 莱特妮丝共同研发,获得国家多项专利技术,经数万名的用户穿戴验证,可随时随地监测乳腺异常。
据国际卫生组织资料显示,在中国有超过9 成的已婚女性都有不同程度的乳腺健康问题,乳腺增生、乳腺结节、纤维瘤、乳腺癌等乳腺疾病危害着数以亿计的女性健康。
| 软件介绍
支持 Android 4.4 以上系统,iOS 8.0 以上系统;蓝牙型号版本 4.0 传输;通过服装上的智控蓝牙模块与用户手机APP进行软硬件相连接,用户可以随时随地的操控并可以进行实时数据查看。
Development of Intelligent Underwear Intelligent Underwear Product Scheme
Why do breast cancer surveillance systems work?
Breast cancer has always been the number one killer threatening women's health, and also the world's largest malignant tumor. According to the World Health Organization, there are 1.2 million new breast cancer patients in the world every year. In China, the incidence of female breast cancer reaches 42.55/100,000, and it is growing at a rate of 3-4% per year. According to the statistics of the State Health Planning Commission, in our country, on average, one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 2.5 minutes, and one woman dies of breast cancer every 13 minutes. In developed cities, 40 people suffer from different degrees of breast diseases per 100 people, which seriously threatens women's physical and mental health. Although breast cancer is terrible, the cure rate of early breast cancer can be as high as 90%. If we detect breast cancer early and treat it promptly, we can avoid the serious consequences caused by the deterioration of the cancer. Prevention of breast cancer is better than treatment. Saffron technology insists on breast cancer surveillance, hoping to help women around the world prevent breast cancer, so that they can avoid the pain and injury caused by breast disease.
Technological superiority
A smart underwear that can monitor breast cancer
Intelligent breast cancer monitoring system is jointly developed by Saidou Technology and the young member of the breast cancer Professional Committee of China Anti-cancer Association, Dr. Han, Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College, and Letnis, an internationally renowned functional underwear brand. It has obtained a number of national patented technologies and has been verified by tens of thousands of users. It can monitor breast abnormalities anytime and anywhere.
Monitoring principle
1. When subcutaneous lesions of the breast (such as breast hyperplasia and nodules) occur, the temperature of the lesion area will be slightly higher than that of the surrounding normal tissues (like when we were young, when our knees were broken, when the injured area was inflamed and purulent, the somatosensory temperature of that area will be higher).
2. By using the dot-matrix layout of 16 miniature intelligent sensors, the temperature of subcutaneous tissue in the breast region can be accurately collected and the anomalies can be identified.
3. Through the comparative analysis of large data, we can timely monitor the current breast abnormalities of users.
4. App visual presentation of monitoring data analysis report, accuracy of more than 95%.
5. Immediate output of policy-making recommendations and early prevention.
A smart underwear for physiotherapy of breast
According to WHO data, more than 90% of married women in China have different degrees of breast health problems, breast hyperplasia, breast nodules, fibroma, breast cancer and other breast diseases endanger the health of hundreds of millions of women.
Sauda Bean Science and Technology and a number of school hospitals jointly set up a project team, hoping to improve breast health problems through real-time wearing of the bra by women. So there are intelligent underwear products of rotational magnetic resonance. At present, this product has served tens of thousands of people, bringing health and happiness to women.
Physiotherapy principle
Rotary magnetic field, also known as dynamic magnetic field, is the closest energy wave to human magnetic field. According to medical evidence, biomagnetic resonance has the effect of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, promoting blood microcirculation, and can help breast stasis dredging well, thus achieving the effect of traditional Chinese medicine: general pain, pain is not unimportant.
Technical parameters of intelligent spinning magnetic underwear
Implantation of micro-cyclomagnetic machine in Tianxi acupoint can produce the same frequency resonance effect when it works, thus promoting blood microcirculation and excreting the body silt by metabolic way.
APP supports multi-mode + dynamics regulation + timing function + health information and other functions, and is an innovative tool for breast health.
| Introduction to Software
APP manipulation
Support Android 4.4 system, iOS 8.0 system, Bluetooth version 4.0 transmission, through the smart Bluetooth module on clothing and the user's mobile phone APP software and hardware connection, users can control anywhere and anytime and real-time data viewing.
乳腺癌 一直是威胁女性健康的头号杀手,也是全球第一大恶性肿瘤。据世界卫生组织报道,全球每年新增乳腺癌患者120万,而在中国,女性乳腺癌发病率达到42.55/10万,并以每年 3%-4% 的速度增长。据国家卫计委统计,在我国,平均每2分半钟,就有一位女性被确诊为乳腺癌,每 13 分钟有一位女性死于乳腺癌,在发达城市,平均每100人就有40人患有不同程度乳腺疾病,严重威胁着女性身心健康。乳腺癌虽然可怕,然而早期乳腺癌治愈率也能高达9成以上。如果我们及早发现乳腺癌及时治疗,能避免肿瘤恶化导致的严重后果,乳腺癌预防胜于治疗。帆豆科技坚持做乳腺癌监测,就是希望帮天下女人预防乳腺癌,让她们远离乳腺疾病带来的痛苦和伤害。

智能乳腺癌监测系统是帆豆科技与中国抗癌协会乳腺癌专业委员会青年委员、上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 – 韩博士、国际知名功能型内衣品牌 – 莱特妮丝共同研发,获得国家多项专利技术,经数万名的用户穿戴验证,可随时随地监测乳腺异常。
据国际卫生组织资料显示,在中国有超过9 成的已婚女性都有不同程度的乳腺健康问题,乳腺增生、乳腺结节、纤维瘤、乳腺癌等乳腺疾病危害着数以亿计的女性健康。
| 软件介绍
支持 Android 4.4 以上系统,iOS 8.0 以上系统;蓝牙型号版本 4.0 传输;通过服装上的智控蓝牙模块与用户手机APP进行软硬件相连接,用户可以随时随地的操控并可以进行实时数据查看。
Development of Intelligent Underwear Intelligent Underwear Product Scheme
Why do breast cancer surveillance systems work?
Breast cancer has always been the number one killer threatening women's health, and also the world's largest malignant tumor. According to the World Health Organization, there are 1.2 million new breast cancer patients in the world every year. In China, the incidence of female breast cancer reaches 42.55/100,000, and it is growing at a rate of 3-4% per year. According to the statistics of the State Health Planning Commission, in our country, on average, one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 2.5 minutes, and one woman dies of breast cancer every 13 minutes. In developed cities, 40 people suffer from different degrees of breast diseases per 100 people, which seriously threatens women's physical and mental health. Although breast cancer is terrible, the cure rate of early breast cancer can be as high as 90%. If we detect breast cancer early and treat it promptly, we can avoid the serious consequences caused by the deterioration of the cancer. Prevention of breast cancer is better than treatment. Saffron technology insists on breast cancer surveillance, hoping to help women around the world prevent breast cancer, so that they can avoid the pain and injury caused by breast disease.
Technological superiority
A smart underwear that can monitor breast cancer
Intelligent breast cancer monitoring system is jointly developed by Saidou Technology and the young member of the breast cancer Professional Committee of China Anti-cancer Association, Dr. Han, Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College, and Letnis, an internationally renowned functional underwear brand. It has obtained a number of national patented technologies and has been verified by tens of thousands of users. It can monitor breast abnormalities anytime and anywhere.
Monitoring principle
1. When subcutaneous lesions of the breast (such as breast hyperplasia and nodules) occur, the temperature of the lesion area will be slightly higher than that of the surrounding normal tissues (like when we were young, when our knees were broken, when the injured area was inflamed and purulent, the somatosensory temperature of that area will be higher).
2. By using the dot-matrix layout of 16 miniature intelligent sensors, the temperature of subcutaneous tissue in the breast region can be accurately collected and the anomalies can be identified.
3. Through the comparative analysis of large data, we can timely monitor the current breast abnormalities of users.
4. App visual presentation of monitoring data analysis report, accuracy of more than 95%.
5. Immediate output of policy-making recommendations and early prevention.
A smart underwear for physiotherapy of breast
According to WHO data, more than 90% of married women in China have different degrees of breast health problems, breast hyperplasia, breast nodules, fibroma, breast cancer and other breast diseases endanger the health of hundreds of millions of women.
Sauda Bean Science and Technology and a number of school hospitals jointly set up a project team, hoping to improve breast health problems through real-time wearing of the bra by women. So there are intelligent underwear products of rotational magnetic resonance. At present, this product has served tens of thousands of people, bringing health and happiness to women.
Physiotherapy principle
Rotary magnetic field, also known as dynamic magnetic field, is the closest energy wave to human magnetic field. According to medical evidence, biomagnetic resonance has the effect of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, promoting blood microcirculation, and can help breast stasis dredging well, thus achieving the effect of traditional Chinese medicine: general pain, pain is not unimportant.
Technical parameters of intelligent spinning magnetic underwear
Implantation of micro-cyclomagnetic machine in Tianxi acupoint can produce the same frequency resonance effect when it works, thus promoting blood microcirculation and excreting the body silt by metabolic way.
APP supports multi-mode + dynamics regulation + timing function + health information and other functions, and is an innovative tool for breast health.
| Introduction to Software
APP manipulation
Support Android 4.4 system, iOS 8.0 system, Bluetooth version 4.0 transmission, through the smart Bluetooth module on clothing and the user's mobile phone APP software and hardware connection, users can control anywhere and anytime and real-time data viewing.